Cook Strait Region
(Wellington & Marlborough)
NZ's capital city is known to be windy, but also boasts a great craft beer scene.
The Marlborough region, on the other hand, is known for its fine weather and wines.
It's no wonder Sir Peter Jackson has established interests in both places. Here, one of several scenes he's curated at the Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre.
The film director's presence also invites revamps by outfits such as Propeller Studios...
...and attracts visiting Hollywood stars to area cafes (so we're told).
Needless to say, we had a few good days getting to know the region.
Anyone who's impressed by the life-like nature of this WWI recreation should consider the Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre in Blenheim, as well as Weta Cave in Wellington.
The sleepy town of Havelock, made sleepier by a cozy blanket of clouds.
Seafood options at Wellington's Chocolate Fish Cafe are nearly limitless.
Wellington has an abundance of small-city charm, as evidenced here by the facade of Logan Brown restaurant.
Huia Vineyards - Organic. New Zealand. Wine.
It wouldn't be a city stop without a trip to the local Botanic Gardens (here, Wellington).
Helen Pollock's Victory Medal commemorates NZ's first military engagement on the Western Front (WWI). We were lucky enough to catch it before it was permanently placed in France.
They say it helps to keep 'dating' in a relationship. Little Beer Quarter (LBQ) on tucked away Edward St in Wellington provides the perfect date night setting.
A final look at the capital city from atop Mount Victoria.
Sure Wellington's craft beers are tasty...
...but it's good to see due respect given (yea, Colorado!).
Glad to see one of our favorites getting some props.
Yet another example of canvas-worthy, New Zealand scenery.